Busy Busy

11th Jul 2017


I just wanted to post to let you know I’m not sitting on my hands at the minute, I just can’t show off too much of the work I’m currently doing.

I’m currently drawing a 3 page comic for the Nottingham Comic Con comic written by Tony “The Long Haired Lover from…Londinium” Esmond. It’s great fun and a real change for me to work on something written by someone else.

I’m also putting together an anthology of comic strips and short 2-4 page comics of my own which I’m hoping to have  done in the next couple of months. After that I’m working on a kids comic called TANKS! which I’m really excited about. Of course I’ll try to keep up with the Our Big Un strips too.

Recently I was asked to contribute an ongoing comic strip for a magazine. They’ve also got me doing the odd illustration for them too, which I’m really humbled and honoured to do! (more news soon…)

Finally I’m also working on colour assists on Michael Regina’s third graphic novel Adamsville. It’s been a massive learning curve for me and a real pleasure to do. Go check it out over on webtoons.

You can see more of my doodles, processes and works in progress on my Instagram page, Twitter or Facebook.

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