Our Big Un

I’m working on a new comic strip series entitled “Our Big Un”. It’s about the a guy who likes to tweet his adventures on twitter, but in reality, things aren’t always what they seem. We’ve all exaggerated things from time to time and so I wanted to make a comic strip that reveals that social media, for all it’s advantages, shouldn’t always been taken at face value, we never know the truth behind the tweets. This also allowed me to have fun with the look of the protagonist…who may or may not bear some likeness to a friend of mine as he looked back in the early 2000s.
We follow Our Big Un’s adventures (as a lead singer in a punk band) as he gets into all sorts of scrapes and mishaps along with his friends and fellow band members!
It started with a sketch of the old band and purely because of the look of Our Big Un, he became the focal point of the strip. I’ve sketched out a number of strips already (as well as creating the logo).
Hope to get things moving within the next week so keep ’em peeled.