Happy New Year

Well 2017 has now been and gone and was a pretty good year in terms of my art stuffs. I started working with Wargames Illustrated doing Illustrations and a monthly comic strip for them which was awesome. I also managed to get my Anthology Stuff and Stuff done and dusted to some great feedback – check it out.
I attended a couple of comic cons – True Believers, ICE and of course our very own Nottingham Comic Con. They were great to meet new people and talk comics as well as peddle my wares.
Speaking of NCC, it was another great success for us and we really enjoyed it, PLUS we produced the second NCC Anthology – see it here!
So what for 2018?
Personally I start a new job at Room 17 Games which I’m really looking forward to. I’m booked in to do True Believers again (3rd Feb), PLUS maybe one or two others (INCLUDING Nottingham Comic Con 2018!!).
I’m also about to finish a new book – Artist Angst. It’s a 40 page (approx) book made of comic strips about a lowly comic book artist and what he goes through – fun stuff. This book will be debuting at True Believers, so come on down and pick up a copy. Might even have some giveaways with every purchase.
I’m still working on another all ages book – Tanks! Hoping to have that ready for summer time. Plus I’m writing an all ages story of Our Big Un and his band, so keep ’em peeled for that one.
Hope everyone has an awesome 2018!